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Random Musings

Random Musings

How can you lead a more environment friendly life fashionably?

By Juhi Bansal First Published in Global Spa Online   The clothing industry is one of the largest contributors to global warming. Every year the fashion..

My Struggle with Motherhood, Random Musings

Equal Parenting: How To Achieve It?

By Juhi Bansal This article was published in Grazia on September 1, 2021. Equal parenting simply means shared parenting or partnering, that jobs and chores..

My Struggle with Motherhood, Random Musings

Lazy Parenting: How & why you Should Practice it?

By Juhi Bansal This article was first published on grazia.co.in on August 9, 2021 Lazy parenting is not about not wanting to do stuff for your child- it..

Random Musings

20 Comfort Reads #covidreads

By Juhi Bansal I swear by a good book to lift my mood up! Normally, my choice of genre are intense, dark, edge of the..

Lockdown Diaries, Random Musings

Looking Back & Looking Ahead ver 2021

By Juhi Bansal To say 2020 was different would be an understatement. There were goods and bads and uglies. I enjoyed some, coped some and..

Lockdown Diaries, Random Musings

Favourite Reads in 2020 Part-2

By Juhi Bansal (Check out v2019, v2018, v2017, v2016 here). I managed to read 96 books in 2020. Thrillers, murder mysteries and police procedurals are..

Lockdown Diaries, Random Musings, Travel

Lockdown Musings #remotelife Part-2

By Juhi Bansal Read Part-1 here. I am not what you would call materialistic especially when it comes to buying new things however, I do..

Random Musings

Birthday Musings: I am Lucky!

By Juhi Bansal Also Read: https://www.closetbuddies.in/remote-life-part1-life-update/ I am often told how lucky I am by people around me on social media and sometimes in real..

Outfit of the Week, Random Musings

Favourite Reads v 2020 (Part 1)

By Juhi Bansal Normally, I do these articles once a year. (Check out v2019, v2018, v2017, v2016 here). However, thanks to the lockdown and practically..

Lockdown Diaries, Random Musings

Our heartfelt tribute to Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor

So for the 2 consecutive days we woke up to the news of losing 2 precious gems of the Indian film industry, Irfaan Khan and..